What is Anxiety disorder and the signs and symptoms.

January 6, 2020 Chandra Mccain No comments exist

Everyone experiences anxiety in their life. Anxiety can vary from mild uneasiness to a full blown panic attack. It can also vary in how long it last. It can last from a few minutes to several years. Anxiety disorder is different from normal anxiety in many ways: It is more intense, it is long lasting, and it interferes with the persons work, school, activities, or every day relationships. Approximately 18 percent of adults have an anxiety disorder in a given year. The median age of a person experiencing a anxiety disorder is approximately 11 years of age. It is more common in females than in males. There are many types of anxiety disorders. Generalized Anxiety disorder, Panic disorder, Phobic disorders which include Agoraphobia (avoiding situations where the person fears having a panic attack) Social anxiety disorder (the fear of any situation where public scrutiny may occur) and specific phobias (having a phobia of specific objects or situations). Obsessive-Compulsive disorder is another type of anxiety. It is the least common anxiety disorder but can be very disabling. Some of the symptoms of anxiety are as follows: pounding heart, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, flushing of the skin, hyperventilation, shortness of breath, dizziness, headache, sweating, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, tremors, unrealistic and or excessive fear and worry, restlessness, and having vivid dreams. These symptoms are only a few that people experience when having anxiety. The list is exhaustive.If you feel that you are experiencing anxiety or have a anxiety disorder, don’t hesitate to notify your physician immediately. Help is just a phone call away!

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