Kids who have issues with impulsivity have trouble stopping to think before they act. Impulsivity does not look the same in every child. It is related to your Childs inability to put on the mental brakes before acting. It is often defined as a brain based condition. Some of the causes and symptoms are listed below. If your child has tendencies with being impulsive, be encouraged there is a lot of help for impulsivity.
The most common cause of impulsive behavior is ADHD. It affects 8-10 percent of all kids between the ages of 3 and 17.
Other causes of Impulsivity are language and communication disorders or delays in language development. Executive functioning issues is another common cause of Impulsivity. This is a group of mental skills that help us organize and act on information. One of these skills is impulsive control. Executive dysfunction isn’t usually considered its own disorder.
Does silly or inappropriate things to get people’s attention
Has trouble following rules consistently
Is aggressive toward other children
Grab things from people
Doesn’t understand how his words or behavior affect other people
Doesn’t understand the consequences of his behavior
Learn as much as you can about Impulsivity
Point out unwanted behavior and reward appropriate behavior
Observe and take notes to have available if you are working with a professional for your Childs impulsivity
Be patient. Children thrive in a loving and supportive environment. Remember Impulsivity is not a result of bad parenting.