There are many reasons why we continue to live in our past wounds, and not experience the abundant life that God has for us. I chose to focus only on 5 words, but there are other reasons why people remain in emotional bondage.
1-Inferiority- Often times we feel inadequate or inferior to other people because of what we are experiencing or what we have been through. God has already made a way of escape for us.
2-Independence- We are created by God and no man can live independent of his maker. Often times we try to fix it by ourselves and not rely on God. Allow the potter to shape and fix the clay, which is you!
3- Pride- Pride is one of the six deadly sins. According to Proverbs 6 17, A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. These are only 3 of the things that God hate according to this scripture. Allow God to deliver you from the spirit of Pride today.
4- Fear of Man- We are not able to move forward being afraid of man. The only fear, meaning reverence should only be toward God.
5-Disobedience- God is calling his children to obey, he has the greater plan for our lives. He knows whats best for us.
Explore your life. If you are bound to your past wounds and are experiencing bondage due to any of these areas, repent and submit these particular areas to Jesus Christ and allow Freedom to be yours today.